Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blender Challenge Winner!

Hello Everyone!!  It was so exciting to see you all join in the Blender Challenge this month and even more exciting to see some of you try new techniques and use your blender to add detail or texture to your cards!!!  :)

The winner this month is Tania Von Dohren with this gorgeous card!  Tania used her blender to create pebbles at the feet of her beautifully coloured girl!

Congratulations Tania!!!!  Please Email Sascha with your postal details so we can send your prize to you!!!

Happy Colouring
Kathy  :)


  1. Oh my ... Thankyou Kathy and Copic Oz! I am very surprised!! I have only been using copics for two months, so am learning lots, and your blog is certainly teaching me tons! (I am self taught) thankyou so much for the generous prize, cant wait to see what I can learn next XOX Tania

  2. Congratulations Tania, gorgeous cardX:)
