Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Cupcake Challenge

Today I have something a little different for art journal page! 

The majority of the materials used to create this page is Copic based.....let me explain!!!!

 I always use X-press It Blending card, however I prime it with Gesso (another X-press product) if I know I'm going to use alot of inks on the paper.  The important thing to remember is...because there is Gesso on the paper, you should not use your copic Markers directly onto the paper, as the Gesso may clog the nib!

 The next step is to add ink directly from the reinkers (B00) into a mist it spray bottle and spray the background.

 I added some purple ink by by dabbing it around the edges.

 I use the same purple dabber to create the base of my cupcake.  I then stamp the grid pattern using Texture Paste (another X-Press It product).

 I dab RV10 onto the top of the cupcake and then airbrush the heart pattern onto the cupcake using the Copic Airbrush system

 Using a dot and dabbing method I colour the cherry for the top of the cupcake.

 Using my Copic multiliners, I draw in my wording.

 Then colour it in and pattern my Word Art.

 Using my multiliners I add in some text around the base of the cupcake.

 I add some white highlights using Copic Opaque white

 ....and attached it all using X-Press It foam Tape.

 I add a little bit more doodling to the journal page....

 ...and voila... there you have it!  A journal page or you could make this into a birthday card! its your turn to create!!!!

What's the Challenge?: Create a project (card, layout, off the page) using your Copic Markers, reinkers, mulitliners etc to create a BIRTHDAY themed project!!!

Is there a Prize?: YES!!! 
                         A La La Land CRaft Stamp AND an Acrylic Block

Who can play?: This challenge is open to EVERYONE, including international!

How do you enter?: Use the inlinkz below to connect to your blog or online gallery and upload it prior to 6pm Monday 25th June 2012, Australian EST (4am USA EST)!!!

I can't wait to see what you create!!!

Happy Creating....Mandi-Lee


  1. wow!!! didn't know you could use reinkers like this .... gorgeous!!

    xoxoxoxo Carly

  2. Fantastic tutorial Mandi-Lee! Love this idea! Take careX:)
