Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Deconstructing Marci

I have had so much fun deconstructing Marci.  

This is a technique I love and often use.  For those of you who know my work, you'll know that I love working in layers.

That is exactly what I have done with Marci.

First I stamped as many Marci's as I could fit onto my X-Press It Blending Card.  At this point I 'map out' what part of each image I am going to colour.

Using my Copic Markers I have coloured ONLY the 'mapped out' areas of each image.  The great thing about this technique is that you don't have to worry about staying within the lines, as each 'section' is going to be cut out!

The next step is to cut out each and every little piece of Marci, being very careful not to lose any pieces!

I also make sure I have one full image of Marci.  This becomes my 'base image'.  This is the image that I will attach all the other pieces to. 

 I work out what parts of Marci are going to be glued first, and then all the subsequent pieces that are going to be layered on top.  For example, Marci's arm is going to be glued down before her dress.  This is because, as a 2D image,  Marci's arm is BEHIND the sleeve of her dress.

I use Foam Tape to raise the watering can....

  and also play around with the visor of Marci's cute little hat....
until the layers are just right!

Then Marci is ready for her flower and to be placed in the perfect spot....on a pot!

Happy Mother's Day!
