Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Flourishes Blog Hop Winners

Thank you all for entering our Flourishes Blog Hop!! We had soo much fun reading all of your comments.

The winners are....

Facebook- Sally Haden Richardson
Copic Oz - Lyndall
Kathy's Blog - Ellena Elizabeth
Copic Me - Kasey in Oz
Congratulations Ladies, please send us an email with your address so we can get your stamps off to you.
We also have another VERY exciting anouncement to make later this morning so please keep an eye on our facebook page! 


  1. Congratulations have fun colouringX:)

  2. I was one of the lucky girls to win a Flourishes set of stamps. I'm so excited and wanted to thank you and all the blogs in the hop. It was such fun and it was lovely to have an Aust/NZ one to participate in. I have emailed my address details to the email address in your sidebar on the left. Thankyou once again.

  3. Oh WOW. Talk about being excited! Thank you so much I'm thrilled to have been selected. Thank you Mandi-Lee for selecting my name from the group who entered.

    Buzzing now.....gosh how will I sleep tonight with all this excitement?


    Thanks again.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  4. Congrats to all the lucky winners!
