Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Challenge Winner!!!!

Hello Everyone!!!

I am so sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of the Christmas Challenge.  I have been away and had some technical difficulties posting onto the blog.

Nevertheless, here I am.... and before I announce the winner I'd like to say a couple of things!

Firstly, I hope you had a very merry Christmas and that you are enjoying the holiday season.

Secondly, I was absolutely blown away, firstly by the number of entries for this challenge....and secondly, by the quality of entries!!!! Your creations were simply amazing!

Thank you ALL for sending in your gorgeous creations.  I wish I could give a prize to each of you!

So now, without further ado, the winner this month is......#37-FIONA!!!

Well done!!! ... 

FIONA, please email us your address so we can mail your prize to you!!!! 

Thank you again for ALL your entries!

I wish you all a very happy New Year, and a healthy, colourful and creative 2012!!!

Lots of love .... Mandi-Lee

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