Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat?

Happy Halloween from everyone at Copic Oz! We thought you might like a little bit of blog candy... Leave us a comment telling us what you are doing to celebrate this fun time of the year! The best 31 comments with will be sent a trick or treat... you have until midnight tonight 31/10/11... (AEST, sorry Australian and New Zealand residents only.)


  1. Daddy is chief trick or treater tonight and depending on whole much candy fuel the kids feed him will depend on how long they go for tonight, the dog joins the travelling road show as well.

  2. I am having a peaceful Halloween, by avoiding as many ghosts, ghouls, witches etc as I can. I must admit I do love candy though so I might have to come out of hiding to see if I can get me some candy!!!!!

  3. We will be having a screaming good time with lots & lots of candy. So bring on the trick or treat and the Boo's and have a witching Halloween.

  4. Allowing myself to go crazy and have my fill of chocolate!!! Mmmm chocolate.

  5. I will be eating lots of yummy candy and hiding behind everywall to jump out and scare my partner... I'm sure he is going to love it!! Haha happy hAlloween everyone!! Hugz Ashlee

  6. The kids and I will be baking and decorating Halloween inspired cupcakes after school then dressing up and spending the evening at my bestie's house playing games, telling spooky stories by torch light and telling Halloween jokes. And of course there will also be lots of lollies being eaten too! Luckily our kids have a strike at school tomorrow so won't be bouncing off the walls for their teachers :)

  7. I will be spending time with my kiddies making treats for the neighbours children when they trick or treat tonight!!!!! So much fun to be had today!!! Thanks so much for a fabulous SUPRISE!!

  8. I'll be studying for my English Studies exam which is tomorrow morning, and worth 30% of my year 12 grade! But I'll probably dress up anyway...

  9. I'm a vampire slayer and demon hunter but this is the one time of year that the real demons, ghosts and bloodsuckers stay hidden ... so I get a night off to spend with my gorgeous boyfriend Dean and his brother Sam, we will probably just cruise around in our magnificent black car.

    OH I WISH!!!!!! But I will be doing the next best thing ... COLOURING!

  10. I will be colouring up a storm because any spare time I have I colour And snacking on chocolates and lollies.

  11. The kids are colouring in and making lots of ghosts and spiders dressed up as a vampire and a witch begging for the fake blood!!!! my son is so macabre at only 4 this is his perfect day! then we will give out loads of choccies and lollies to all the trick or treaters that will be sure to arrive this evening. Hopefully after they are in bed I will have some time to colour and eat the leftover lollies and choccies :)

  12. Happy Halloween! My Halloween weekend i turned up with two friends to a Halloween event and were the only three in costume. Hundreds of people and the three of us the only ones dressed up. Glad to see some holiday spirit!

  13. wowee, happy halloween. We celebrate by sharing lots of chocolate - cherry ripes and turkish delight are my daughters favs. last year my 9yo wanted to go to a halloween disco - she planned for it for months, but on the night it was so scary I had to take her home (poor thing!)

  14. I had candy with my students today and tonight I will be sitting at home colouring with my copics waiting to see if any kids knock on my door.... Otherwise I'll probably eat even more candy while colouring :-)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Made treat bags and waiting for the neighburhood littlies to visit.

  17. I work in a sensory lab where we are all foodies. We have all made Halloween goodies to bring to work, what an amazing array of food - from childrens brains (noodles in green jelly), eyeballs (choc truffles with iris's and red blood veins) spiders (lico. and mellowpuffs)and the list goes on!!!! worst of all was that after trying everything, we had to go out and evaluate some cheese samples!!!!!

  18. We went to Halloween Party at my sons last night. Turned out the light, had the smoke going, told a story to the kids blindfolded, and they had pieces parts to feel. We had eyeball punch, spidered deviled eggs, cauliflower brain salsa, kitty litter, earwax on a stick, so many goodies I can't remember them all. My son and his girlfriend decorated and made a pumpkin grave yard, signs everywhere. We had fire in a pit going and the kids pinned faces on a pumpkin. It was a lot of fun, and the kids had a ball. I hope I can get photos from my sons girlfriend, and I will post them, she took picture of everything. Happy Halloween!!!!

  19. Having a quite night at home ... I live on a main road amongst a lot of villas etc, and not many children ... so I bought a bunch of lollies for me, and am going to sit and scare myself silly watching horror movies!

  20. Answering the door and looking spooky with my spiders.. and when not answering the door - colouring of course!

  21. BOO!!! Scared you didn't I. I have to work tonight, but to get into the spirit of Halloween. I Renee, promise to frighten at least 5 of my fellow workers!! I cannot wait to let the fun begin!! Might even hand out some candy to the kids in the store whilst I am there. And hopefully by midnight tonight you will send me a little treat!! xo

  22. ohhhh, Halloween!, one of the best dress up nights of the year. Great to be able to kick of the heels and be able to spend time with all my girlfriends once and a while. Invited to a Halloween party this year. All the joy of dressing up for once!

  23. The treats are ready
    the lights will dim
    and spooky noises will come from within
    a dog will bark and a cat will meow
    as little goblins are on the prowl
    Trick or Treat will be the call
    And there will be candy and sweets for all

  24. Just finished getting the children dressed and hair sprayed red and one red and black lol! They do look a treat, especially Rosanna who is wearing one of my black dresses from 20+ years ago lol! They are off taking their little friends round to the neighbours, Rosanna has bunches of sweet peas from the garden to hand out. Now I am just waiting (blogging) for the knocks on the door lol! Have a wonderful night everyone, take careX:)

  25. choc eye cookies and sluge fugde slice are all the things to eat tonight.
    Have a happy halloween

  26. Happy Halloween! We have lot's of local children visiting for Chewy eyeballs and severed fingers, oh and a few lizards and frogs too.
    Hugs Julie P

  27. Our kids celebrated with friends who LOVE Halloween! It's a bigger deal that Christmas! Eyeball cupcakes and sugar galore. Costumes and trick or treating up the street and it's so nice to see kids dressing up and having a bit of fun.

  28. Only one trick-or-treater so far, probably a good thing as I have two cards to finish for tomorrow. Meanwhile, the dog keeps jumping on my knee - perhaps she is hoping for a Halloween costume by trying to get me to colour her in?

  29. No trick or treating here, just a normal family dinner at my Mum & Dad's place (stew, dumplings and veggies with trifle for dessert, yumm!!!!). Quality family time, you can't beat that! (we're all grown up and don't live there) .

  30. Celebrating my first Halloween ever in a bright orange Spooky Kitty tshirt and sparkly sneakers, handing out chocolate to all the witches and ghosts that visit ^_^

  31. Congratulations! You each get a trick or treat prize! Please send an email with you address to with the subject 'TRICK OR TREAT!'

  32. Thankyou so much! email sent! You guys rock!

  33. Got my trick or treat today thank so so much :)

  34. Got my trick or treat today!!! AWESOME!!!!! Thankyou so much :) Love it!
