Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dark Skin Tutorial

Hello Everyone and welcome to another CopicOz Tutorial!!  In March I did a Light Skin Tutorial and this month I decided to do darker skin following the same concept with light source and blending but using a darker range of colours.  Today I'm using one of the new La La Land Crafts stamps called Marci with Flower, she's cute isn't she!!  :)
Begin by colouring your base layer with E11.  It's OK if it's not totally smooth, there will be plenty blending.
I've assumed the light source is coming from the top right, so I've added E13 a little heavier on the left side.  (I'm showing the colour before blending - once you've added your E13, blend with E11 to smooth it.)
Next, take E15 to deepen the shadows, don't add too much and then blend with E13 and E11.
Next use your E18 to really deepen those shadows and use the lighter colours above to blend.  You don't need a lot of E18, but remember the more contrast, the more interesting your picture will look!  Once again, blend with your lighter colours, E15, E13 and E11.

 To cool those deepest shadows down and make them a little deeper, use BV00 (or if you want a lot of contrast, try BV13!). 

Finish colouring your image in your favourite colours!!
Copic Colours Used
Skin - E11, E13, E15, E18, BV00
Mouth - E04
Hair - C0, C1, C3, C5, C7
Shirt/Shoes - Y21, Y35, Y38, YR24
Jeans - B91, B93, B95, B97
Flowerpot - E97, E08, E19
Flower - R81, R83, E51, E53, G24, G28, E35, E37
Spade - C0, C1, C3

I hope you've enjoyed today's tutorial and if you create some darker skinned people projects, we'd love to see them!!  Leave a comment on this post with a link to your blog so we can see what beautiful work you are creating!!!

Happy Colouring!!!
Kathy  :)


  1. WOW, thanks for the fab tutorial!! Am definately gonna give this one a try. Luv all your tutorials. Looking forward to the next one lol! Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  2. The BV00 really surprised me but I love the way your image came out....Im going to try...Thanks!


  3. Marci looks beautiful Kathy! Well done! :) Sascha

  4. Thank you so much for the tutorial!!! I was finding that really hard to colour dark skin, I will deffinitly try this combo!

  5. Thanks - this is a brilliant tutorial. I've only had one attempt at dark skin, and I think I did OK but now I go back and compare I can see I started too dark and didn't get enough contrast

  6. She looks great Kath...gorgeous colouring!
    M xxx

  7. Thanks for another great tutorial - dark skin even throws the more experienced marker queens. Red hair next?
