Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Just a quick little post to say to say a big thank you to everyone who follows Copic Oz! To celebrate reaching 300 followers we are giving away some blog candy. Leave a comment (before midnight tonight AEST) on this post telling us why you are ready to sparkle in Spring! The 30 best comments will each get a Spica pen. Please note that this is only open to Australian residents.  

Also don’t forget that we will be at the Melbourne Paperific  Craft Expo… Come down and say Hi! (and check out our super cute new La La Land Craft release!) Keep an eye on our facebook page to stay up to date with all of the Paperific fun over the weekend.


  1. Who wouldn't want to 'sparkle in spring' with Spica's, Love them

  2. As Spring is my favorite season, with beautiful flowers and sunny days, it's the perfect time to sparkle.

  3. With the sun starting to come out again, making looking out the window and walking around outside a more joyful and inspiring experience, I'd love to put that little extra sparkle in my drawings with a Spica pen :)

  4. I am most definately ready to sparkle in spring! It has been 9 months now since my whole world has fallen down around me and colouring and this beautiful weather we r having helps me to take my mind off my troubles even if its only for half an hour. I would love to be able to add a new spica pen to my collection :) as i am more than addicted to using them on everything lol

  5. Congratulations on reaching over 300 followers! Spring makes everyone much happier, so many more smiley faces and it will be nice to get home from work in daylight and to colour with natural light in the garden, take careX:)

  6. Congrats on reaching 300 followers!! If the weather we are having here in melbourne has anything to go by then spring is definitely going to sparkle... Gotta love the longer days, more natural light, the sun just gives life a whole new sparkle!!! HUgsxx

  7. well done on getting 300 followers.
    i love the few sepicas that i have they make my world sparkle and shine love the thought of my spring flowers glittering from my sepicas

  8. wow a big congrats!!! cant wait for a sparkling spring to come!!! and it would be nice if i won some spica pens!!! love using them on my projects.

  9. I love the warmer weather that Spring brings and the opportunity for enjoying later evenings under the twinkling stars. Congrats on 300 followers and I hope you continue to sparkle until you have as many followers as the stars overhead :-) Bring on a Spring of Spica :-)

  10. WOW, 300 already, well done. Who doesn't love to sparkle. Whether it be boy or girl there is nothing wrong with a little sparkle in your life. Just make sure you clean up really well after, as my friends say "you may have just Vejazzled yourself" hee hee hee. Spica's are awesome they can add just that little bit of sparkle without going overboard....... The PERFECT pen really. Keep up the good work and sparkle your way to 400 :)
    Mel B

  11. With a glint and a dazzle and a flicker and a gleam, the Spica pen brings my cards to life with panache and radiance all rolled into one. Twinkle twinkle little spica, you are the stars in the night sky, the shimmer in the ocean and the glint in a cheeky eye! I love anything sparkly!!!! Would love a Spica to add to my Copic collection!!

  12. 1st off let me say I love this site!!!! also I love sparkle at any time of year but especially Spring cause I LOVE SUMMER and I know it comes after Spring :) thanks for the opportunity guys :)

  13. Congratulations on so many fans! I imagine it won't be long before there is double that amount.
    I have every colour of Spica as they are just so lovely and really complete a project. I have already used all of my clear one as it is so versatile. I love to add some sparkle and shine to the gifts I make people, it's always nice to make it extra special. Good luck everyone! If you haven't tried Spica Pens on your Copics you are really missing out!

  14. I'm ready to sparkle in spring because.....I'm ready to sparkle any time!! Always ready to sparkle, that's me! Sparkling right now, in fact...oh wait a minute, that may be a hot flush!! Donna

  15. WOW 300 followers, that is awesome:-)

    I love my Sparkly Spica Pens, Clear is my favourite, I love to add sparkles to just about everything I colour with my Copics, it really gives just that little bit extra and makes my cute images even more gorgeous!!!!


  16. Congrats on 300 followers, I really love spring time for the mild weather, it makes you want to jump out of bed to meet the day, and there is nothing like a sparkling spring morning. Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous Spica pen.
    Hugs Cheryl

  17. As I've been all rugged up through Winter under layers and layers of warm clothes, my pale skin will not only sparkle in Spring - the white colour is likely to be positively blinding! LOL

    congrats on 300 followers.

  18. Spring means Christmas is just around the corner and I've started on my cards and need all the sparkle I can get. Congrats on the 300 followers. Gotta luv Copic.

  19. Wow! Congratulations on 300 followers!
    I don't just sparkle in Spring... I add sparkle anytime! You can never have enough glittery goodness.
    Susan xxox

  20. I'm ready to sparkle in Spring because I feel like I've been withering in this Winter for far too long!

  21. 300 followers....congrats!!!!
    Changed jobs, moved house so most definately ready to sparkle :)

  22. Spica Sparkle...the perfect on my page, the shimmer on my stamp, the way to add the final finish to a pretty picture

    p.s..congrats on 300 followers!

  23. I'll because it has been cold this winter down in little Tassie, but after hard work, back to study in graphic design (brought me in touch with copics), spring's is very wanted!

  24. Congrats COPIC OZ on 300 followers.I can't wait for Spring and daylight savings for extra daylight coloring time.The sun will be able to sparkle on the SPICAS for longer.

  25. So over winter, bring on Spring and sparkles :)

  26. Congratulations on 300 followers! I'm going to sparkle this spring because there'll be fewer colds and flu going around (and God knows I caught every one this winter!)

    kate1485 at

  27. Congrats on 300 followers
    I'm looking forward to sparkling in spring after a cold dreary winter. A little Spica sparkle would be the perfect fix in Spring :)

  28. Congrats on 300 followers! I admit to being a blog stalker as I love all the tips you guys provide. I'm looking forward to sparkling in spring and getting outside with our new puppy!

  29. With a spring in my step and a sparkle in my eye, what's not to love about Spring and Spica pens :-) Congrats on 300.

  30. bring on the bling....spring bling sparkles with spica pens.......congrats on 300....

  31. Exactly 30 comments before midnight! Perfect! Can everyone who commented on this post before Midnight please send an email to with the subject: Spica- Top 30. Please include your first name, last name and postal address. :)

  32. woohoo my new pen arrived today .. thank you so much gotta get dinner done then Im going to play and use my pen
