Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Colouring Hair with Texture

Hi Everyone,

As you know I love colouring cute little people, and I often get asked how I go about colouring hair.

So, I have put together this tutorial with a video! ( My first video - EVER!!!!) for you to hopefully enjoy and learn from!

As Copic addicts, when we first learn to colour we often use the Basic Blending rules that we know to colour hair. That is, colour in circles and aim for a 'seamless blend'. The outcome often looks like this ...

As you can see the hair is very smooth, but also very bland!!!

If you colour a little differently, you can add some texture and 'streak-i-ness' to make the hair look much more the image below!

Here is a closer look at the difference between the two colouring styles:

So, without further adieu, here is my video tutorial on how to Colour Hair with Texture!
(pssst let me know what you think!)

Happy Colouring...Mandi-Lee

PS Don't forget to enter the challenge!!!!!


  1. Fabulous tutorial Mandy. I am still one to start dark and then do the light colour but will have to learn to change my ways. Sound was a little soft but was a great little vid. Great angle. Great technique.

  2. Thanks Mandy. Am teaching myself, and i feel relieved when i find some tutes, and see i am going ok! lol. Yours is great!
    Thanks again

  3. Thanks Mandy! This was very helpful!

  4. I love the end result of more textured hair too...thanks Mandi.

  5. Awesome Mandi! I always like to watch other Copic people at work :)
    Thank you for keeping the video down to around the 5 min mark - that's about as long as I get before one of the kids needs a drink or snack LOL.
    And I love the nails too LOL, but I don't think the shine on those is due to your amazing Copic skills ;)

  6. You make it look so easy Mandi-Lee!

  7. Great work Mandi! Thanks for taking the time to make a video for us... I know how busy you are!
    Susan xxox

  8. Fabulous video Mandi! Yes yes yes! We would like to see more from you. Your clear and easy instructions are fabulous! Jenny B x

  9. Awesome video Mandi. Thanks. Now I know that streaks are ok and you've shown me in simple steps how to get that sun streak, look out!! lol.

  10. love this video i was doing my hair all wrong. now with your tutorial i can blend my colours just right to achive the results. thank you so much. my work comes to life again

  11. Thank you for sharing! Am looking forward to practicing this. I think you did an awesome first time video...Keep posting more!! Blessings! Petie S.

  12. This is absolutely fabulous! Thank you for sharing this technique...I cannot wait to try it out. I'd been doing the normal blending, and getting so frustrated. Thank you again!

  13. Great video! Really cleared it up for me!, hair is so hard!!!

  14. What a great video... love to see how you do it! And you gave me confidencen through this video. I colored like this recently and it's great to see that there are more who do this.
    Thanks a lot!

