Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Blogiversary!! Copic Oz is 1 year old!

It’s Our Blogiversary! We have decided to freshen our blog up and we are making a few changes…
  • Our new format will include a monthly tutorial jam packed with ideas and inspiration.
  • We will continue to have a monthly challenge with awesome prizes.
  • We have decided to add an icon to the top of each post so you can quickly identify the type of content covered…
To Celebrate our first year we are giving away some blog candy! Leave us a comment; we want to know what your favourite post from the last year was. We’d also love to know what you would like to see more of. The winner will recieve a set of 12 Copic Ciao and a bottle of our new X-Press It Clear Gel Glue. You have until Midnight (AEST) Tuesday June 21, 2011 to comment on this blog. Winner will be announced on Wednesday June 22, 2011.

Also a HUGE thank you to everyone who visited us at the Brisbane Papercraft Expo and to everyone who contributed to the Copic Card Challenge! We were so happy to have over 100 entries from all around Australia. 

Congratulations to the winners...
Anne Maree Campbell- Winner

Theresa Boy- Runner Up + bonus La La Land Craft Prize

Natasha Kazich- Runner Up

Teagan Ellis- Encouragement award 


  1. How can I decide on 1 favorite post over the year their all great. If I had to choose would have to be how to add texture to your images This one is great Thank you

  2. My favourite post was adding texture with a colourless blender! Thought it was really informative with great examples :)

  3. I'm only very new to Copics and even newer to Blogs! I can't chose a favourite post as to me they have all been so helpful, informative and exciting. I thoroughly enjoy reading the blog and experimenting with my copics. Thankyou so much for providing such a great blog.

  4. As I've just discovered this wonderful product, I've not had the privilege of reading any posts from the last year, but I certainly look forward to reading anything to do with my new hobby. Thanks!

  5. I really enjoy the video tutorials that are on many of the blog posts. The desaturation using greys was really helpful. I enjoy having the option of stopping and revisiting while colouring to help develop my techniques.

  6. At first, I thought my favourite post was “Colouring White” from Feb 2, 2011... thinking “BRILLIANT! Of course, THAT explains why my whites always look so wan...”

    Then I came across the post “Colouring Black” on Aug 4, 2010 and had this great Aha! moment – “So THAT’S why my black always looks so blah!”

    But... “Adding Texture Using Blender Refill and Fabric”, July 7, 2010 had me running all over my house, my local thrift stores and even eyeing strangers’ clothes... always on the hunt for cool fabrics to try and I figured... “Well, what was I thinking before... that’s the one!”

    But something didn't feel quite right.

    And then I knew... it’s the one which first brought me to Copic Oz & it goes like this...

    Oh sure, I’d seen those flashy, fluorescent little markers, tauntingly tempting with their Hey-look-at-me! brightness, saucily mocking the other sweeter, more subtle Copic colours... my friends, my faithful, gentle friends who allowed for such exquisite & nuanced shading... I turned my nose up and walked away...

    Then one day, my inner flashy glamour girl cried out, weeping with joy at the mere thought of having but a moment in the spotlight... and alas, I fell... fell hard... *sigh*

    I came home, head hung in shame, with not one but TWO of them and plans to go back for the rest... I feared how my other Copics would cope; would they accept these, these... well let’s be honest, these tarts? Would these, well, tarts blend well with the others? What had I done??

    In less than a flash I was on my knees, grovelling before the great god Google, begging for anything that would allow me to validate my inner glamour girl’s wonton desires... and as a chorus of hallelujah rang in my ears, there “IT” was... a beacon of hope, shining brighter than FY1 & FYG1, the answer to my prayers... a lifeline from Down Under... a magical link from Copic Oz...

    “Let's Airbrush it with Fluorescent Colors” May 18, 2011... and after joyous hours of reading fabulous tutorial after tutorial... all was well.

    How silly was I? I needn’t have worried – after all, hadn’t I learned my lesson with the recent “Spica Scandal”? These are Copics and my dear, sweet, subtle friends NEED a flashy little boost once in a while... and though subtle in colour, they have the inner strength to soften even the flashiest of, well... tarts! ;)

    Happy 1st Blogiversary Copic Oz... the new Blog looks fabulous!
    Thank you for a great year of fun - here's to 99 more!!

    With Gratitude,

  7. Congratulations Copic OZ it is my Birthday today as well Bronlyn

  8. It is incredibly hard to pick my favourite post as I have found so much useful information over the past months.Colouring white, definitely and "Have a good hair day". I am still working through that one using the colours I have.

  9. Love the new Copic header, gorgeous.
    Congratulations to all the winners in the card comp, they were tops.

    My favourite post was in December from Kathy, it was called Beautiful Botanicals. Those flowers just jumped off the page.

  10. Okay I am like most of the others who read this great is so hard to pick just one favourite post. But seeing as I have to I actually pick one of the Challenges...Challenge 8 "A Little Magic". I love all the magical creations that everyone came up with, they are beautiful and inspiring. Seeing as we all need "A "Little Magic" in out lives every now and then, this one is mine.

  11. Happy Birthday and congratulations on all the wonderful work that you are doing. I think all the tutorials have been very helpful to all of us so it is really hard to pick out just one. I think it depends on where you are at the time and it is just such a good tool to be able to go to the tutorials and find your answers there. I know that I speak for all of us when I say that the value of all the tutorials is priceless for us. Thank you for all the help.

  12. Congrats to all the winners - gorgeous cards!

  13. I really loved Kathy's post on colouring skin

  14. I loved 'A good hair day' - hair is not one of my strongest suits and this was perfect to help my confidence to try new combos. What would I want more of - well everything of course! But if I had to choose, darks with depth to the colour - not black so much but deep purples, greens etc. Thanks so much for so many inspiring ideas - much appreciated.

  15. Well I liked the colouring black tute, but the colouring faces tute is something I used overnight.... I had a flash back that there was one of these on the Copic Oz sight and referenced it for a dark skin moment... this is the good thing about tute's on this blog, they are easy enought to find when you need them... and I am sure you will add a search function when the list gets longer! Congrat on one year... and BTW the Glue is FABBO!!!

  16. LOL well I can't really compete with Layne's little story, what an absolutely delightful story. I really enjoyed the desaturating colour with gray. Nice to know that you can tone down the brightness a little. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    Kasey ~ in Oz

  17. I'd love to see tutorials for colouring clothes. the way you get just a hint of colour on the edges and in folds with that sort of wishy washy pale almost white look. (clear as mud?) There are heaps of tutorials for skin and hair but I haven't found any yet that show me this type of clothing colouing.


    Kasey ~ in Oz

  18. Wow, so many great posts to choose from! The tutorials on coloring hair, faces, and black and white are at the top. So helpful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  19. congrats on your 1st blogaversary!!!

    all of your posts have been very helpful so it's difficult to pick a favourite. but the Colouring White post was helpful. not sure i've actually managed to master it yet but i know where to come when i try it again.

    Kathleen Mc xx

  20. I think any and all tutorials are one step closer to me being able to use my copics better. I have a limited supply so it's hard to find the right colors together. Thanks so much!

  21. colourig white really helped me over the past year! i love the tutorials they r great. i woul;d love to seem ore and more challenges that would also get good. plus maybe some tips for children using copics. my daughter loves them she is getting really good with shading and is only 9.

  22. I really liked the desaturation with grays and also the one on background papers using hand gel. Congratulations. Shirley B

  23. Firstly Happy Birthday Copic Oz - Woo Hoo for you, a year old all ready! I love all the tutorials, everytime I see them I learn something new. I also want to congratulate the winners of the Challenge. Wow what amazing cards. Wish I could have seen them all xoxoxoxo

  24. All the posts were favourites for me. I don't own any Copics as yet so all I do is drool over all the beautiful work and pray that some my wishlist gets filled this year. Thanks for the opportunity to win some amazing products.

  25. Congrats Copic Oz. I can't decide which one I like most because they are all so great, I have learn so much from them. Keep up the good work.

  26. How can I possibly choose just one favourite post? I am still a beginner at using Copics so every single post is of value to me - I learn so much and am inspired by all the projects submitted! I particularly loved the Mother's Day challenge entries and I would like to see the Challenges continued - one day I may be brave enough to enter one!!

  27. I went to the papercraft expo in Brisbane and had so much fun! I attended both of the copics classes, came away so inspired and full of information, it was great and the challenge board was amazing. Congratulations CopicOz! I have bookmarked Apr 13, stamping with the multiliner, so this must be a great post! Leanne Coghlan

  28. So happy to find this blog. I am relatively new to Copics and am loving learning to use them. I haven't had time to search all the posts, but the tutorials are great - favourites include Texture, Good Hair Day, and the one on light source. I would love to see more men's cards featured, and a spot for free images we could download to practice on. Thanks for the work that goes into this site.

  29. Happy birthday Copic Oz And congrats to the winners!
    My favorite post was adding texture with colourless blender!
