Monday, April 4, 2011

La La Land Crafts Winner!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered the competition to win 3 LA LA LAND CRAFTS stamps!!!  What a fun and fabulous prize!!!  We won't keep you in suspense, the winner is....

Ashlee  - she said “Great tutorial, awesome tips! Thanks for the chance to win some of these lovely cute!”

Congratulations Ashlee!!!  Please email your details to so we can send your prize to you!!!

Enjoy your beautiful new stamps and happy colouring!!!
Kathy  :)


  1. You luck duck - enjoy your stamps .. I saw some at my LSS last week and they are just gorgeous!

  2. Oh my....thankyou so much, I'm so excited can't believe I won :-)
    Sent you an email sascha hope you received it :-)
    Thanks again, Can't wait to receive them....!
