Monday, March 7, 2011

Copic Project Day...A HUGE Success!!!!!

What a HUGE Copic Weekend it has been! We ran a very successful Standard Certification on Saturday. Thank you to all the lovely ladies AND gentlemen that joined us for a brilliant day!

Sunday saw the introduction of the Copic Project Class!!! WOW .... it was busy, fun, exciting, fun, jam packed with great projects, fun, colour - full day .... oh and did I mention it was LOTS and LOTS of FUN!!!!!!!

Here are some pics of the ladies hard at work!

Thanks Ladies for a great day!

I am looking forward to the next project class in SYDNEY this weekend!!! Look at the SIDEBAR for upcoming Project Class Information ... and come join us for a great day full of COLOUR, FUN and INSPIRATION!

Happy Colouring....Mandi


  1. Looks like a great time was had by all!!

  2. Thanks for a great day Mandi. I learnt heaps, and you made it all so much fun. Can't wait for the intermediate class!

  3. Looks like fun was had by all. Wish I was there.
