Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Challenge #8 - A Little Magic

When thinking of a challenge this month I was thinking of St Patrick's Day but then I thought, I'm going to see WICKED tomorrow night - why settle for only leprechauns in green when you could have fairies, witches, dragons, unicorns and more!!!  So use your Copics to add a little Magic to your project, and even better some Spica for a bit of sparkle!!!

What's the Challenge?: Create a project (card, layout, off the page) using your Copic Markers to create something with a little MAGIC!!

Is there a Prize?: YES!! Get EXCITED - it's a 12 pack of the BRAND NEW SKETCH COLOURS!!!!  You'll find out more about this awesome prize next Wednesday here on the blog!!!!

Who can play?: Sorry, only Australian residents are eligible to win this prize - but everyone is welcome to play along with us!!

How do you enter?: Use the inlinkz below to connect to your blog or online gallery and upload it prior to 6pm Monday 28th March, Australian EST (4am USA EST)!!!

We can't wait to see what you create!!!

Kathy  :)


  1. cute card Kath ...and a great theme for the challenge! I love it! M xxx

  2. Thanks for the fab challenge. Have entered my card although I don't reside in Australia but my sister does so should I be lucky enough to win, would it be in order to send the prize to her on my behalf? Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  3. Oooo how could I resist entering this comp! I created and upload my card tonight and even got it to link first go (that usually never works for me LOL) Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win some new Copics! A girl can never have enough Copics!

  4. Thanks for a great challenge, I thought I'd left a comment last night when I entered my link - but it's not here so.....well, it IS here now! I love Aussie challenges, mainly 'coz they're Aussie but also so I don't have to work out the deadline time, lol. Great site all round, love the tips, thanks for sharing, Dee

  5. OMGoodness!!!! My first challenge! Whew! In by the skin of my teeth! Had to work out this whole 'Blog thing' in time to enter. SOOOO excited! Thanks Copic Oz for a great challenge :o)
