Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Feathering Winner!!

Hello Everyone!!!  It's that time again when we announce the winner of this month's CopicOz challenge!!!  This month I challenged you to feather and we did have some BEAUTIFUL submissions this month!!!  A HUGE thank you to all who participated!!!

Without further ado, the winner this month is......

Honourable mentions this month go to......
Alexis - how beautiful is the feathering on these feathers, gorgeous!

Darelle - soft and delicate colours and you can't see where one colour ends and the next begins!

And Mel with this stunning creation - check out that feathering, what a gorgeous combo!!!

Congratulations Lorraine!!!!  Please Email me with your postal details so we can send your prize to you!!!

Don't forget to pop by tomorrow because Mandi will have another fabulous challenge for you!!!  :)

Kathy  :)

1 comment:

  1. congratulations Lorraine, the shell design is lovely.

