Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We have a Winner!-All Together Spooky, Challenge

WOW,WOW,WOW...... what an amazing amount of entries we had this month for the October Monthly Challenge-“all together spooky”Halloween.Thankyou all so very much for playing along .
There is soooo many fabulously talented and creative people that choosing just one winner was very difficult ....but on that note...

Drumroll please........The winner is.......

Can you believe this entry...so much work and effort went into Kelly’s creation,it is absolutely stunnning and blew us away. Well Done Kelly
Please email your full name and address to james-ee@hotmail.com so we can post out your fabulous prize to you and email you your award badge to proudly display on your blog..We know you will love your Copic Colouring Swatch Book.
The other cards that we were very impressed with and thought deserved an honorable mention are:

#31 Susan Maloney
and #3 Kylie
Trust me when I say to all of you who entered , your creations were extremelly wonderful!
So a BIG, BIG Thankyou to everyone who entered the challenge, and remember to please “POP” on back tomorrow for the start of the next Challenge, hosted by the the Lovely Flower Guru , KATHY!!!

mmmmm..... i wonder what she has planned for us all.......
Have a Great Day and Happy Stamping,


  1. way to go, awesome stuff everyone!

    that house is really cool!!!

  2. Thanks so much for picking me as the winner! I love the other entries.
