Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Testing Ink

Hello Everyone!!!  Those of you who have been Copic lovers for a while may be familiar with the pitfalls of ink - those who are newer, may not realise how much ink can effect your colouring creations!  Because there are so many ink formulations there is no hard and fast rule about dye or pigment ink being better and each brand is different!  Today I'm going to show you how to test your inks so that you can avoid the frustrations of colouring an image which then bleeds into a mess!

First I took a piece of X-press It Blending Card and a Copic 0.3 Multiliner.

Then I drew a single line using the Multiliner.  Using a Y06 Copic Marker I placed the nib close but NOT ON the line.

Next I over saturated the paper (make sure you have clean paper underneath to protect your table!) so that the ink would move past the line - as you can see, the yellow went past the line and there was no smudging of ink.  This shows what a good ink does and you know that this ink will be fine for you to use with your Copic Markers!

So......what happens with BAD ink???  In the next image I once again used the X-press It Blending Card, but this time used a Watercolour Marker.  (When testing it's always best to change only one variable ie. Don't change the paper AND the ink - choose one or the other - in this case we are changing the ink.)
UGH!!!!  What a MESS!!!  As you can see, I used the same paper, the same Copic Marker and only used a different ink.  When the Y06 Copic over saturated the paper this time and went past the line, it dragged all that black ink with it!!  YUK!!!!  Can you image the mess this would make of your image!!

We recommend Memento Ink - it's fast drying and will not smudge or bleed.  When it comes to digital stamps, we recommend you use a Laser printer or photocopier (not inkjet - follow the rules for testing ink when it comes to inkjets) for your work as the ink is heat bonded to the paper.  Of course if you are talented and can draw your own, then a Copic Multiliner is the way to go!!

There are some definite No-No's though - don't use your markers with any kind of solvent ink - especially Stazon!  Stazon is not a friend to Copics and will ruin your nib!! Other products that will ruin your nibs are - Acrylic Paint, Unfired Clay, Liquid Paper (White Out), Opaque White, Chalks/Pastels or any type of solvent ink.  Things that won't ruin your nib, but will discolour it are, lead and coloured pencils and watercolour paints.  If you are planning on using two types of colouring medium - always do your copic work first!!!

I hope you've found today's tutorial interesting and will pop back next week for Mandi's awesome tutorial and don't forget this month's CopicOz Challenge to make a project for that special guy in your life and have the opportunity to win some fabulous Spica Pens!!!

Kathy  :)


  1. brilliantly done Kath! well explained....roll on certification!!!! lol m xxx

  2. A really fabulous explanation for testing the right ink. Well done Kathy, xxxx
